Gangland Woodworks
Defend the Defenseless Handmade Flag Cutting Board
Defend the Defenseless Handmade Flag Cutting Board
Mare from mahogany, white oak, and black walnut - we are teaching adult products of foster care, gang members, addicts, and trafficking survivors how to work with their hands and build a business of their own. Robert has donated a MASSIVE quantity of woodworking equipment and wood stock, and Ben is bringing the human capital. By providing jobs, we are offering "a way out" to folks who have only known a life on the streets, and by teaching them to build a business, we are giving them a purpose and a sustainable way to earn a living.
All that being said, this isn't just "checking a box", we are teaching folks in our program a trade, a skill, and the quality of workmanship can be seen in the photos. Not only are these unique and supporting something amazing, they are INCREDIBLY high quality pieces.
Assorted patterns of Ash, Walnut, Cherry, Hard Maple with accents of Bloodwood and Purpleheart - the wood we use for these is insane quality, gunstock quality in many cases. Robert and Ben come from the outdoors industry, y'all know what we mean. Size will be 18x12x1 (freedom units). These are shipping NOW, are food safe, and each unit is handmade and guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind.